28th July saw Chris' birthday and the first round of injections for the bubbas, so a bit of a mixed bag. We had a barbecue a couple of days beforehand. Matthew and Sophie appeared to sleep through most of it, but t'other Sophie and Leni made up for it. A taste of things to come.

We decided to take part in a clinical trial looking at combining the two injections babies currently get. Ironically, both Matthew and Sophie ended up in the control group, so got two jabs each in any case. Both took their jabs well, though Matthew predictably made more of a fuss.After the jabs, Sophie looked pensive, presumably in case the big bad doctor turned up again with another needle.
Matthew, looking also somewhat nervous, though probably has more to do with the slowly dawning realisation that the big ugly monkey with the grey hair is not going to go away...
One note: the doctor mentioned in passing that fathers in Denmark can claim 8 MONTHS paternity leave, or a year on reduced pay. Amazing, if true.
I've always called Sophie our Cheeky Monkey, but Matthew's really deserves the title...
I suddenly realised that almost all of the recent posts of Matthew show him spark out. Just to prove that he does spend some time awake, here he sharing the sofa.
Smiling babies. There's no feeling like it when your new bubba looks at you and smiles...
Sophie's turning into a real smiler and occasionally screws her face up with a powerful gurn. Matthew's much harder to get to smile. He smiles to himself quite a lot, but hasn't yet looked into my eyes and given me the social smile. Boys take longer, I'm told, so he'll get there soon I'm sure.
Not it's intended use, but Chris' nursing pillow makes a useful place to park Matthew and Sophie when they need a kip.

I turned up at the NCT coffee afternoon after work, to pick up Chris and the bubbas and walked into chaos! A line of 9 babies occupied centre stage on the carpet - sadly Lewis could not be with them to complete the set - with mothers and fathers circling round, grabbing photos and generally cooing loudly! With good reason. What a fantastic sight! (Click on the photo to enlarge it.)

Today we strapped our little treasures into their car seats and took them to St Sophia church for a 40 day blessing for both them and for Chris. This service welcomes the new mother back into the life of the Church after an absence after giving birth. The service of dedication of the babies is in keeping with the custom of the entrance of the Lord in the Temple, which tradition places at 40 days after the birth of the Lord.Afterwards we grabbed some food in a local pub with their Yiayia, Luis and Gyorgyi and her twins. Here's Sophie looking at Yiayia who's looking at Leni who's looking at Sophie...
And Luis with cousin Sophie. Check out her hair!!