Matthew's sporting a couple of bruises on his enormous head as he starts to bumble around the place. He can still only crawl backwards, but he moves around enough to nut himself.
Sophie, on the other hand is content to sit around, Buddha-like, contemplating the world into which she has been thrust.
There is far more direct interaction between the twins now. They can spend 10 minutes or so, looking directly at each other and having giggling fits. Too cute for words.
After a Christmas Party, a baptism, a trip down south for Christmas, back up to London for communion, back down south for a couple more days, home to High Wycombe, New Year's Eve in London and, for Sophie, a trip to hospital, we can ALL settle back into our usual routine! Phew. Here's Sophie, well on the road to recovery.
In the morning, Chris cradling Sophie after her restless night.
Matthew, on the other hand, slept like a log and happy as Larry!
Midday we took both bubbas to Church for their third communion. Sophie, dosed up on Calpol, was absolutely fine! Here they are back at Yiayia's, posing on the sofa.
Matthew enjoying time with his Godfather.
Sophie returned to her unhappy state after the Calpol wore off and as Chris spotted some discharge in her left ear, I took her to see a GP that night who confirmed our suspicions of a perforated eardrum. Happily, Sophie is already looking better. A course of antibiotics will see her straight.