Today dragged past.
I had a visit from a community midwife in the morning. She, too, had been surprised to find that the father had taken a twin home without the mother, but had correctly worked out the reason. Chris had, indeed, had a much easier time of it overnight just looking after one baby. The midwife gave me a few tips, gave Sophie the once over and walked home as her car broke down outside the house.
Lunchtime came and went. My mum offered to babysit to let me visit Chris without needing to take Sophie with me, so I spent some time after lunch and early evening with her, helping to pass the time before the results of the second test came back. Chris held her sanity together through her routines of feeding, expressing milk (she’s world-class now) and, of course, changing Matthew’s nappies. The temperature again exceeded 30 degrees. Unbearable.

I returned home and waited and waited for Chris to call. Losing patience, I called her at 8.30pm and in floods of tears she said “Come and pick us up”. Two hours later (why does everything take so long???) and I reunited our little family in our living room. Mum stayed for a glass of champagne before discretely departing. Here's Chris with Sophie and Mum.

AT LAST!!!! Home never felt sweeter.
Seven days and six nights poor Chris had to spend in hospital. Scary, depressing, frustrating, yet ultimately the most elating time we’ve had together. Chris came close to bleeding to death, was roasted in a cell for four days, but walked out with the most gorgeous babies in the world. Surely a price worth paying.
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