We'd hoped for a nice relaxing day, but on Ward 9, even in a side room, that's never really possible. Sophie and Matthew were their usual quiet selves during the day, waking occasionally to feed and drawing coos from the steady influx of midwives, doctors and visitors.

Chris' other brother, Nico, and his wife Gyorgyi dropped by today, with their twin daughters. Unfortunately their twins were not allowed in to meet ours, so Nico and Gyorgyi had to take turns babysitting in the waiting room. Nico, ever thoughtful, turned up with some champagne and we toasted our twins for the first time. Long overdue! Here’s Nico demonstrating his expert baby handling:

Today was fiercely hot again so I brought in a fan to help keep Chris cool. Hard to say if the twins are suffering or not, but Chris says the crying at night across the ward is relentless, so I guess they are. Popped round to see Kerry and Steve again late evening. Kerry looked very comfortable, despite the raging heat and hoped to be off with junior the next day. As I was fighting fit after my full night's sleep, I hung around til midnight doing the feeds and nappies. Seems like I've been doing this all my life - amazing how quickly you get into the groove, not giving it a second thought. My life now revolves around the demands of two miniature Babers and the constant need to pop into Mothercare. (Should be called Mother&Fathercare.) I left the twins looking calm and sated late in the day, but appearances can be so deceptive with little-uns.

For the first time, we both felt that nothing had been achieved by hanging around in hospital today. Chris' observations are minimal and it seems that red tape is the only thing keeping her in hospital. Really frustrating.
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