Today's a potter round the house day, trying not to wish our last day with just Toffee and Wolfie (the cats) to keep us company away too fast. Lots to do still: pack the hospital bag, keep the family up to date, fit the car seats, laundry, snacks and clean Wolfie's bum (Heaven knows what he's done, but it's not pretty).
Chris had a final check-up at Wycombe Hospital this morning - CTGs, blood pressure (which had been creeping up) and platelet count (which had been dropping fast) all fine.
Early start tomorrow - 7.30 kick off and then into theatre any time from 9.00 to 12.00. I really hope Chris goes first and I hope she gets a bed by a window. Chris is quite nervous, of course, and I've got a little knot in my stomach, but I actually think we are as ready for this as we'll ever be. Cannot wait!
Wish us luck...
Richard & Chris

Good Luck you guys!!! thinking of you today, cant wait to see the Baby Babers, big kisses all round xxxx